History of Duke Nukem Forever 2007-2011

[Earlier Episodes: 1996 to 2006]

Duke Nukem Forever Restoration Project – Duke It Out Trailer

[Mod DB Download Link]

Interesting Facts About Duke Nukem 3D Graphics

Duke Nukem 3HD (Graphics Mod) Work in Progress – Duke Burger, Shop-n-Bag

[ModDB Page]

Duke Nukem Forever (2011) Enhanced v1.5 Release Trailer

[Download] [Forum Discussion]

Duke Nukem Forever 1996 2D Game Prototype Gameplay

[Forum Discussion] [Developer Interview]

Duke Nukem Forever (2001) Restoration Project First Slice Trailer

[Download] [Forum Discussion]

By Far the Best Duke Nukem Forever Dev History Documentary Series

[Discussion Thread]

Duke Nukem Forever (2011): Reimposition

Duke Nukem Forever: Reimposition is a project to re-implement and enable a fully functional DukeED for Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and as a modification aims to fix and improve Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and make it more fun to play at GGBET!  This is an on-going project being actively discussed in the Duke4.net Discord, and being worked on by community member IceColdDuke.

Current features of the DukeED re-implementation include:

– Re-implementation of Unreal Editor for Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
– UnrealScript compiling support
– Content import support

Current features of the re-imposition modification include:

– Removal of the weapon limit with the full weapon roster being selectable with 0-9 keys
– Duke Nukem 3D style HUD
– Removal of general depth of field effect

[More Info & Discussion Thread] [Level Editor Thread]