EDuke32 Addon Compilation Update

NightFright from writes:

In the last two months, various improvement suggestions and addon requests have reached me regarding a third version of theEDuke32 Addon Compilation. I have reviewed all community requests and decided it’s time for yet another release to polish everything a bit more and increase the addon archive even further.

As a result, we are counting 109 addons with over 1.100 levels now. Not all new entries are really new, though – some of them were split off from existing previous packs since they deserved to be standalone. There is still more than enough stuff that you may or may not have ever seen or played before – such as “Alien vs Predator”, “Castle Quest”, “Duke Is 007”, “Redrum”, “Sun Burn”, “Total Apocalypse” or “Zombie Crisis”, just to name a few. Two very recent – and excellent – releases are featured as well:“The Root” by CruX (now concluding the Urban Map Pack) and “LORCH3” by Sanek (as the final part of the LORCH Trilogy), both published in June 2016.

Changelog highlights (Check the readme for details):

  • 18 new addons with over 100 additional SP levels
  • Map update for 5 addons to include the latest versions of 10 levels
  • Duke Hard v1.2 included
  • Oblivion returns after having been removed in 2.0
  • Including various smaller fixes – e.g. maps not starting without weapons as intended, regrouping of some addon content, music pack compatibility and more!

Visual impressions of some new compilation entries:

Alien vs Predator LORCH Series: LORCH3 Redrum: The Shining II
Zombie Crisis Shark's Cove Urban Map Pack: The Root

Download the EDuke32 Addon Compilation v3.0 HERE!

Enjoy playing, but don’t forget: Praise goes to the authors of these great addons, not me!

Duke Nukem 3D Download Codes & Community Maps Roundup

Redeem here on GOG:






Baserape by neoacix – “After 3 years, it’s finally done. This is my tribute to Duke Nukem 3D and its 20th anniversary. Baserape starts as an open world military base assault and gets linear in the second half. You have to fight your way through this base to prevent a nuclear strike from the aliens.”

DoomBOX by Sanek – “It’s small, tiny canyon/outdoor map that heavily relies on use of the jetpack, so watch for the fuel!”

Vile Cistern by ToiletDuck64 – “Another one of my Doom-style maps; this map is basically about maze-mopping… and sewage… and maze-mopping in sewage.”

Der Ist Mars by Mister Sinister – “Duke has crash landed somewhere on Mars and found himself nearby a small alien colony.”

Overspill Area by ToiletDuck64 – “The hardest and most complicated Doom-style map I’ve released up to this point.”

Close Range by Mister Sinister – “A disjointed mess of a space level made in two weeks. The level was built from a blueprint I made sometime in March. It combines bits and pieces of different ideas I had back then, yet the main focus are laser tripbombs.”

Showdown In Suzhou by MetHy – “Brand new Shadow Warrior usermap for everyone’s enjoyment! I know this is the DN3D forum but I hope you guys will make an exception.”

EDuke32 Addon Compilation 2.0

NightFright writes (click for source):

Whoa, half a year since the last news over here. But fear not, I haven’t let things slide in the meantime!

After a considerable delay, but just in time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Duke Nukem 3D retail version hitting the store shelves, I give you the EDuke32 Addon Compilation v2.0! This is a lot more than just an update to the previous release – it’s a full re-release! Over the course of more than a year, I have tirelessly polished pretty much each and every existing entry of the collection, fixing smaller and bigger bugs along the way. Tons of content was added, making the pack grow to 86 included addons with more than 1.000 SP levels! And it’s not only about old stuff – four high-quality addons from 2015 have made the cut: “Death Drive”, “DN64 Revisited”, “Haunted Nukem” and “TamDuke”! My heartfelt thanks to all the authors who gave their kind permissions to make this possible!

A rough overview of the changes (for details, consult the readme):

  • 27 new addons with over 280 additional SP levels
  • Widescreen support for all addons with custom statusbars and weapons that were previously cut off in non-5:4 video modes
  • Tons of fixes, e.g. sprite resize bugfixes finally working properly, corrected skyboxes, typo corrections and much more!
  • Covers a large variety of themes – there is stuff for X-Mas, Halloween, a collection of space and city maps, old and brand-new content

To demonstrate the widescreen feature, take a look at some examples from different addons:

Platoon: Widescreen statusbar and rifle Starship Troopers: Widescreen statusbar and gun WGRealms 2: Widescreen BFG

Just as a reminder: I didn’t create any of these addons – this was just about fixing and polishing them for convenient usage in EDuke32. The real heroes are the mappers and modders out there who keep sharing their amazing creations with us, from 1996 till the present day. Due to their remarkable contributions, the classic Duke Nukem 3D becomes timeless.
My credits wouldn’t be complete without giving kudos to the guys from the EDuke32 coding team who gave us this amazing port, the best one of its kind. It allows us to enjoy the game any way we like – the old-fashioned way or with fancy special effects. Without their efforts, a compilation like this one would have never been possible!

If you really took the time to read all of the text above, I’ll even tell you where to get it. Download the EDuke32 Addon Compilation v2.0 RIGHT HERE!

So here’s to Duke! Happy 20th anniversary, and now let’s go for the next 20 years!

Duke3D Community Maps Roundup

Sludge Plunge by Mister Sinister – “You’ll be travelling through swamps, caves, small towns and etc. Exciting stuff!”

The Unknown Planet by Maarten – “I got back to the weird & freaky alien planet x64-2 style.”

Mars Donalds by Jolteon – “Aliens has taken over the famous restaurant on mars known as Mars Donalds.”

The Monastery of Darkness by mono20 – “Now the map has a building history over a span of nearly twenty years. Some people seemed to like the old version so I decided to release this update as well.”

Factory Datacenter by ToiletDuck64 – “My third Doom-style map”

For more new releases, check out this section of our forums and search the page for text containing the word “release.”  Want your map featured here?  Send a message to Yatta on our forums!

Duke Nukem 3D 20th Birthday Goodies

Dukeworld webmaster Brad Wernicke sends news that George Broussard posted various internal Duke3D development notes to his twitter. (Note: each hyperlinked word goes to a different URL.)  And to  celebrate Duke’s birthday with a bit of manly gambling, don’t forget to visit the best online casino and best online casinos for real money!

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Image Credit: General Arcade

[Forum Discussion]

IGN Jon St. John Audio Interview


Click above and skip to the 45 minute mark to hear Jon St. John, the legendary voice actor best known as the voice of Duke Nukem. He explains his radio origins, coming up with the Duke Nukem voice, his career as a video game voice actor, and much more!

Thanks Mr. Tibbs!

[Forum Discussion]